
Recent News and Events

Our Sturgeon Bay Utilities office located at 230 E Vine Street is under construction. During the week of July 8th... More

Each year, thousands of households receiving energy assistance also receive FREE energy-saving upgrades, helping residents reduce energy costs and enjoy a safer, healthier, more comfortable home... More

Tuesday - October 8, 2024 - 8am to Wednesday - October 9, 2024 - 5pm


This years recycling event will take place over two days. We are asking all business customers to come Tuesday, October 8th, between 8AM and 4PM. All... More

Now you can view your energy and water use and pay your bill from your mobile device using the Sturgeon Bay Utilities app. Just like you already do with MyAccount. 

To get started, just... More

Sturgeon Bay Utilities has been providing reliable, responsible power to Sturgeon Bay for 118 years. This summer is no exception. 

As the community’s locally owned utility, we work with our... More

Inflation is hitting many consumers’ pocketbooks this year, and Sturgeon Bay Utilities is helping customers stay ahead of the high costs by providing ways to reduce energy use over the summer... More

Sturgeon Bay Utilities will be conducting its hydrant flushing program between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays, for the next couple of weeks.  

This procedure is necessary to remove sediment... More

Portable generators are internal combustion engines used to generate electrcity and are commonly used during disaster response. Portable generators can be dangerous if used incorrectly. 

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Sign up for our free business email newsletter that will help you keep your business up to date with all things... More

It's just takes a couple minutes.  To learn how CLICK HERE.

Sturgeon Bay Utilities would like to remind you that although wipes may be labeled as "flushable," they don't degrade in the sewer system.  Flushing them is like flushing a handkerchief or other... More

Before you pick up your shovel this spring, call 811 at least three business days in advance to have your buried electric and natural gas lines located, for free... More

Although scams involving utility bills are rare, fraud attempts are on the rise.

In a variety of fraudulent schemes nationwide, scammers have contacted utility customers posing as an... More

We are proud of our strong record for providing reliable electric service that you can count on. And, if there ever is an outage or emergency, you can be sure that our hometown line crew will... More